Thursday, January 31, 2008

Resort Equity Marketing to Offer Refunds

Another Timeshare Company Does The Wrong Thing. It's horrible that companies like this get away with this for so long. It is good to see some are getting caught and being held responsible for their actions. Selling a timeshare is hard enough that having to find the right company can be hard. I have used in the past successfully. Many people say not to pay upfront for selling your timeshare but I think it depends on who you enlist the services of. People that say that are usually the ones that have lost money to bad companies like this.

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American Resort Development Association timeshare tips

These are some good points from ARDA on how to use and sell a timeshare. Most timeshare owners have very little clue on how to use your timeshare. Which makes Timeshare have a bad name in the industry because of how little people use them because of ignorance

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Super Bowl XLII Hotels going for Top Prices

Can't wait for the big game, but I will be watching from my home because I'm not paying those kinds of fees. To go to a game and spend $20,000 is crazy to me. Good to see that you can rent a timeshare and save yourself thousands of dollars on a trip to the super bowl. Have to keep this in mind next year

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